Notes To My Son/ Daughter Before You Go Book

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This is a photobrpahic book containing poignant balck and white photobraphy coupled with beautifully written text to capture a mother's last minute words that are meant to last a lifetime to her son as he leaves his childhood behind. Words written to inspire him and to guide him in all things important in life, ranging from the lighthearted to thought provoking.


Daughter -Within these notes to her daughter the author's voice has struck an eloquent chord, resonating with a gentle instruction on all things important in life while lighting a fire within all readers to "seize the day"; to live with self-conviction, joy, exuberance, passion, a responsibility to attain one's potential, and to reflect in oneself the best of humanity ...and to live with a mission to find an uncommon happiness at every turn of the fantastic personal journey that awaits.


this book is a de timetable graduation gift.